Social program

Traditional folk games will become a scientific object in Tomsk.

Tomsk State University from Nov. 27 to Nov. 29 will held ethno cultural workshop “Po sibirski” (“Siberia style”). Guests and participants will learn scientific, social and music issues of traditional youth folk games. Musicians, game practitioners and scholars will participate in the workshop.

Activities of the Workshop belong to seven fields of the games study. «Game as a Science» spot will allow the experts and guests to analyze folk games and find out their mechanisms. In the next spot, “Game as an Art participants will use the mechanisms to create new table, role and kid games and play them.

“Game as an Act” is a set of interactive spots within the University territory, where participants and guests will play the games, which were popular among young people in turn of XXth Century. Participants of “Game as a Technology expert seminar will discuss the actualization of folk game culture among modern young people.

One of the unique activities is “Living History Theatre ”. Participants will become role -playing game heroes. The game will be themed on Trans-Siberia Railway construction. Organizers prepared the story, roles and decorations: every participant will get a costume reconstructed in accordance with ethnographic items from the corresponding period of time.

The final activity of the Workshop is “Antistage a concert of special type. In the the place without border between musicians and public guests will meet TSU Choral Chapel, “Russian Dreams Folk-Fusion Project, Russian folklore gatherer and singer Sergey Starostin, ethnographical groups of Moscow, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk and Altai Region.

Po-Sibirski ethno cultural workshop is form of realization of Patriotic Semester social project. The project is the winner of All-Russia youth projects contest among higher education organisations held by Federal Youth Issues Agency.

Activities schedule


Resource center of Federal Youth issues Agency

National Research Tomsk State University

« Vasiliev Vecher» Art-project


+79131008913 Anastasiya Altyeva

+79138246688 Alexei V. Vasiliev

36 Lenin Ave., Tomsk, Russia 634050